menutext4:Locally Q,Globally W,Within box E,Beneath box R,Not within T
menutext6:>Replace A,>Change hue S,Make grey D,Brighten F,Darken G,Weaken H,Strengthen J,Linear fill Z,Band fill X,Radial fill C,Elliptical V
menutext9:>Start colour,>End colour
# target names
target3:within box
target4:beneath box
target5:not within
# operation names
oper2:Change hue
oper3:Make grey
oper8:Linear fill
oper9:Band fill
oper10:Radial fill
# c.menudiy
menudiy1:Out of memory - for indirected text
menudiy2:Out of memory - for creating menus
# Draw file standard messages
# in load.c
drawerr01:Bad object
drawerr02:Bad object handle
drawerr03:Too many font definitions
drawerr05:%s (at location %d)
drawerr06:Draw error #%d (at location %d)
drawerr1:Bounding box coordinates are in the wrong order
drawerr2:Bad character in string
drawerr3:Object size is too small
drawerr4:Object size is too large
drawerr5:Object size is not a multiple of 4
drawerr6:Object data is larger than specified size
drawerr7:There is more than one font table
drawerr8:The font table appears after text object(s)
drawerr9:Bad text style word
drawerr10:Path must start with a move
drawerr11:Path contains an invalid tag
drawerr12:Path does not contain any line or curve elements
drawerr13:There is extra data present at the end of a path object
drawerr14:The sprite definition size is inconsistent with the object size
drawerr15:Missing end marker in text columns
drawerr16:Actual number of columns in a text area object does not match specified number of columns
drawerr17:Non-zero reserved words in a text area object
drawerr18:This is not a Draw file
drawerr19:Version number too high
drawerr20:Unknown object type
drawerr21:Corrupted text area (must start with '\\!')
drawerr22:Text area version number is wrong or missing
drawerr23:Text area must end with a newline character
drawerr24:Text area: bad \\A code (must be L, R, C or D)
drawerr25:Text area: bad number or missing terminator
drawerr26:Text area: more than one \\D command
drawerr27:Text area: bad font number
drawerr28:Text area: unexpected character in \\F command
drawerr29:Text area: bad or missing font width in \\F command
drawerr30:Text area: bad or missing font size in \\F command
drawerr31:Text area: non-digit in \\V command
drawerr32:Text area: bad escape sequence
drawerr33:Text area must have at least one column
drawerr34:Out of memory when building text area
# Message file for 'c.protect'
protect1:Could not set copyright
protect2:Couldn't enable disc (write-protected or not a legal disc)
protect3:A name of at least 4 letters must be entered
protect4:What a strange name you have! Use a more sensible name
protect5:For the sole and exclusive use of:
protect7:Serial #
protect8:This program must be initialised from ADFS (floppy disc) drive 0
# c.undo
undo1:Not enough memory to set up undo buffer. Continuing without.
# c.sprites
sprites1:This picture contains sprites made in unknown screen modes. They will not be displayed or edited.
sprites2:This picture contains sprites in 256 colour modes. UNDO and REDO will need lots of memory to work for these sprites.
# c.exact
exact1:Out of memory (for finding exact colour)
demo1:This function is not available in the demo version.
# c.fountain
fount1:Out of memory (for adding fountain fill)
fount2:Cannot fountain fill object type %d
fount3:Out of memory (while adding fountain fill)
fount4:Bad fountain tagged object
fount5:Bad path - no MOVE element at its start
fount6:Asked to "shred" an object which is not Linear filled
fount7:Asked to "peel" an object which is not Radial filled
fount8:Not enough memory to create needed buffer space.
fount9:Unknown path element found while creating fountain fill (%d).
fount10:Unsupported fountain fill type (%d)
# compression messages
comp1:Memory could not be allocated for compressing the file
comp2:Path starting with non-MOVE (at location %x in file)
comp3:Unknown path element type (at location %x in file)
comp4:Compression failed.
comp5:This is not a Drawfile
comp6:This appears to be a Drawfile, but it's version number is too high
comp7:Bad compression flag word - reserved bits are not zero
# de-compression messages
decomp1:This is not a compressed drawfile
decomp2:Decompression failed.
decomp3:Memory could not be allocated for decompressing the file
decomp4:Unknown Path object compression type
decomp5:Unknown Group object compression type
decomp6:Unknown Tagged object compression type
decomp7:Unknown Text-area object compression type
# Message file for 'c.print'
print1:Printer pages are
print2:too small to plot
print3:Unable to create page picture for print window
print4:Bad number of copies: %d
print5:Printing cancelled due to error (Escape key pressed?)
print6:No printer driver is present
print7:Start printing
# help.c
help1:Click SELECT to change colours in the picture.|MClick ADJUST to pick up a colour from the picture.
help2:|M"Full view" is ON (F5 will turn "Full view" off).
help3:|M"Full view" is OFF (F5 will turn "Full view" on).|MPAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, and HOME keys zoom in & out about the pointer.
help5:This is the Chameleon icon.|MDrop a Drawfile or a Poster file onto this icon to edit its colours.
help6:This is Chameleon's toolbox.|MThe functions provided here also appear in the menus.
help7:|MLocal - colour changes only apply to the object which you SELECT.
help8:|MGlobal - colour changes apply to the whole diagram.
help9:|MInside box - colour changes only apply to objects with a bounding box completely within the selection box.
help10:|MBeneath box - colour changes only apply to objects with bounding boxes within or overlapping the selection box.
help11:|MNot within box - colour changes only apply to objects with bounding boxes outside or overlapping the selection box.
help12:|MClick SELECT in this icon to change the current colour.|MWhen using fountain fills, two different colours can be changed.
help13:|MThis box shows a magnified view around the mouse pointer (indicated by the small circle).
help14:|MReplace - replace one colour with another. Only colours that are the same as the colour you click on will be changed.
help15:|MChange hue - all affected colours are changed to the hue of current colour. Shades are retained.
help16:|MMake grey - all affected colours are changed to a shade of grey as if a black & white screen were used.
help17:|MBrighten - all affected colours are made brighter (scaled up) - in steps.
help18:|MDarken - all affected colours are made darker (scaled down) - in steps.
help19:|MWeaken - all affected colours have some white mixed in to weaken their colour - in steps.
help20:|MStrengthen - all affected colours have some white removed to strengthen their colour - in steps.
help21:|MThis box describes the current action which will be performed when SELECT is clicked in a picture.
help22:|MFill - colour changes and colour selection will only be applied to the fill of path objects when this option is on.
help23:|MOutline - colour changes and colour selection will only be applied to the outline of path objects when this option is on.
help24:|MLinear fill - replace the fill of a path object with a linear fill.|MAn arrow must be created (by dragging SELECT).
help25:|MBand fill - replace the fill of a path object with a double sided linear fill.|MAn arrow must be created (by dragging SELECT).
help26:|MRadial fill - replace the fill of a path object with a radial fill.|MAn arrow must be created (by dragging SELECT).
help27:|MElliptical fill - replace the fill of a path object with an elliptical fill.|MAn arrow must be created (by dragging SELECT).
help28:|MDrag SELECT on the arrow ends to move the arrow.|M + "Ctrl" to limit arrow angle, + "Shift" to move whole arrow.
help29:|MDrag SELECT to create the fill-arrow.
CHOICEH:This box allows you to set and save your choices about how Chameleon works.
CHOICEH8:Turn this button on to enable Chameleon to load drawfiles when they are double-clicked in a filer window.
CHOICEH12:Surround the picture with a margin that is 20% of the pictures size.
CHOICEH13:Surround the picture with a margin that is 50% of the pictures size.
CHOICEH14:Surround the picture with a customized margin size.
CHOICEH16:Enter the customized margin size here.
CHOICEH3:Set the undo buffer size to zero.
CHOICEH4:Set the undo buffer size to normal.
CHOICEH5:Set the undo buffer size to large.
CHOICEH6:Set the undo buffer size to huge.
CHOICEH7:Set the undo buffer to a ridiculously large size.
CHOICEH19:Click SELECT here to use these choices in Chameleon.
CHOICEH17:Click SELECT here to use these choices in Chameleon, and to save them for next time Chameleon is used. The saving and printing options will also be saved.
PRINTH:This box allows you to control how a print out will look.
PRINTH1:Click SELECT here to start printing (pressing the Escape key will abort the print).
PRINTH12:Print the picture as it was drawn.
PRINTH13:Print the picture on its side (this may make it fit the paper better).
PRINTH14:Print the picture, scaled so that it fits onto only one page.
PRINTH7:Turn this button ON to print fountain filled objects with as many colours as possible (this will be slow).
PRINTH8:Turn this button ON to print fountain filled objects with a limited number of colour stripes.
PRINTH9:Type the number of colour stripes to be used in this box.
PRINTH18:Turn this button ON to add marks to show you how to cut and join overlapping pages.
PRINTH19:Turn this button ON to add marks to show you where to cut the paper (when not overlapping pages).
PRINTH21:Enter the number of copies to be printed.
PRINTH3:This is the currently selected printer.
PRINTH2:This shows the picture to be printed.|MRed lines show where the printer pages fall.|MClick select on a printer page to stop it from being printed.
SAVEAS:This box allows pictures to be saved.
SAVEAS1:Click SELECT here to save the named picture file.
SAVEAS2:Enter the name of the picture file here.
SAVEAS3:This icon can be dragged to the window (or application) that you want to save the picture in.
SAVEAS10:Save the picture as a directory containing 4 files :|M Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Kappa (black).|MCMYK cannot be saved to another application.
SAVEAS11:Save the picture as a directory containing one file for each colour in the picture.|MFountain fills cannot be saved this way.
SAVEAS12:Save the picture as a compressed drawfile (about half the size of the original).
SAVEAS13:Save the picture with crop marks added.|MCrop marks show the limits of the picture.|MThey also help to align colour separations.
SAVEAS14:Turn this option ON to keep the fountain fill data|M(i.e. the arrow position and start/end colours)|Mfor re-editing in Chameleon.
SAVEAS15:Turn this option ON to save the file so that the drawfile can be imported into other applications.|MN.B. the fountain fill data (arrows and start/end colours) will not be saved.
SAVEAS16:This option will save the minimum possible number of colour stripes for fountain filled objects.
SAVEAS17:This option allows you to specify the maximum number of colour stripes saved for a fountain filled object.
SAVEAS18:Enter the maximum number of colour stripes here. This affects how a fountain filled object will appear in other applications.
SAVEAS19:This option will save the maximum possible number of colour stripes for fountain filled objects.